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Genetics and Breeding

The Department of Genetics and Breeding is focused on the study and maintenance of the world collection of genetic resources of spring barley, oats and rye, on research and development of new special genotypes (own genetic resources) of barley, wheat, and other standard and also non traditional cereals for different end uses (healthy human nutrition, animal feed, non-food products, etc.) and for the breeding of cereal varieties (in particular barley and wheat), including the maintenance breeding of own varieties and sale of their seeds.

Main activities of the department:

  • Study, maintenance and management of the collection of genetic resources of cereals (spring barley, oats, rye) - Genebank
  • Research and breeding of special barley genotypes, especially non-malting and hullless type of grain, for differentiated final use (for human nutrition with higher content of grain bioactive components, in particular beta-glucans; with better feeding quality for animals; containing special grain components for non-food purposes, etc.)
  • Research and development of new genotypes (donors) and breeding lines of spring malting barley
  • Research and breeding winter wheat with colored grains (containing anthocyanins and carotenoids) and changed spike morphology (mainly with supernumerary spikelets and with long glume)
  • Collecting, testing and research of wheat near-isogenic lines, important genetic resources and development of new donors for breeding purposes